Since I began creating websites in 1998, I have learned a trick or two on web building techniques.
Of course, the answer to any successful website is traffic. But how do you get it? It takes some
hard work. This section is dedicated to help webmasters get traffic, earn money, and
find those useful tools that make your website work for you.
Click the links on the left to browse more Webmaster Tips.
is the place where you can open your own custom store on ebay. If you are interested in selling on ebay, the
best way to help you if you're a serious seller is to open your own store.
You will learn how an eBay Store can help you grow your business in the most cost-effective manner.
Visit now and open your eBay Store for 30 days risk-free.
The Newbie Club
is the ultimate fountain of knowledge for all things Newbie.
They also have an excellent autoresponder you can use for free with a Newbie-Speak Tutorial, so it's a dream to set up.
And have you seen their mountain of Newbie learning aids - including Free Computer problem solving?
The Newbie Club
has a free fully customizable Guestbook that will blend right in with your
page design and color scheme. No programming or CGI experience
needed. It's specially designed for Newbies to install.
Create Professional Headlines~
Automatically create Ezine Ads, Headlines, Ebook Titles, eBay
Ads, Classifieds, Search Engine descriptions, and more with a
Single Mouse Click. See the staggering new software that the Pros
don't want you to know about.
CoffeeCup HTML Editor ~If you're looking for a HTML editor, this is the one I use. I have tried others and this is by far the fastest, easiest, most full featured HTML editor available.
CoffeeCup Firestarter ~I
purchased Firestarter and found it to be very powerful, yet easy to use. It is the fastest and easiest way to make Flash effects for your website.
Bravenet Web Services~The Leading Provider of Free "Web Tools for Webmasters!" They have it all: Guestbooks,
Forums, Live Java Chat, Free-For-All Links, Fast URL (, Internet Super Search, E-mail Forms, Hit Counters/SiteStats,
Greeting Card Hosting, Mailing Lists, VoteCasters, Classified Ads, Daily Cartoons, Webpage Announcers, and a Site Specific Search Engine, what more could you want!?! your link popularity
Lycos~Forget live search displays. Lycos has realized that all our searches can make for
great content, if assembled correctly. The Lycos 50 shows top searches each
week, plus glimpses at what's up-and-coming from the query logs, along with other features.
Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool
Enter a term you wish to research, and you'll be
shown how many searches were done for that term and other terms that include
it for the previous month.
Search Engine Watch~A one-stop source for everything having to do with search engines.
NCSA's Beginner's Guide To HTML~The HTML guide I started with
NCSA's Guide To Forms~forms tutorial
Anfy Java Applets~The BEST source for java applets
Alta Vista~Check to see if anyone is linking directly to your images.
Type in (substitute your own url after image:)
eZine Assistant~This free software relieves the two
biggest headaches of every eZine (email newsletter) publisher.
Sitemeter~I use this counter on a couple of my sites.
But beware, it stopped working on one of my websites and after several emails
asking for help with no response, I finally took it off.
Sitemeter tracks the number of page views, page visits, durations,
referrals, traffic prediction, browser, entry and exit pages, and more.
The Counter~Another counter to keep track of your visitors.
Extreme Tracking~Quality counter with many stats and requires a small icon on your site.
Nedstat~This has a very detailed stats very similar to Extreme Tracking except they limit the
referral pages. They also require a small icon on your site.
Hitbox~They have one of the most comprehensive stats services on the internet.
This service logs uniques, impressions, referrers, browsers, counties,
ISP's used, time, operating systems, java support, resolutions and much more.
Google AdSense Tool~This is a handy little utility if you would like to
see what sort of Google AdSense ads would be displayed on any of your web pages.
Simply enter the URL in the box below, and you will see sample ads.