By downloading or using graphics offered here, it is your
legal binding agreement that you have read and agreed to the
following terms of use. Commercial or business users and
others who are in direct conflict with these terms agree
to be billed my customary rates for licensing of my copyright properties.
- These graphics are free for use on personal websites in exchange for a link.
If you are promoting the sale of anything on your site, including ebay sites that list items for sale, or your site is online to promote your business, you are
considered a business site. Business sites must purchase a license to use them.
- You do not need to ask for permission to use these graphics if you are going to use them for a personal non-profit site.
- These graphics may not be included in any other graphic archive or shareware collection or used on any sexually explicit site.
- When you find graphics that you want on your web page, copy them onto your hard drive and upload them
to your own server. Do not link directly to these images, also known as bandwidth stealing.
If you link directly to an image here, my server would have to supply the image every time someone
visits your page and could cause my site to shut down. For more information on bandwidth stealing visit Web Guard.
- The images on this site are linkware (free for a link). That means if you choose to use anything from
this site you are required to provide a link back to this site from the exact page in which you are using them.
- All graphics are to be used "as is" and may not be altered, resized, tortured, tubed, or otherwise mutilated in any way.
Please make sure to download them in the exact form you find them.
AOL users may need to turn off compressed graphics before downloading so that these images won't be turned into .art or .bmp files.
- These graphics were created for web sites and not intended for dressing up your email or desktop unless otherwise stated so puhleeeeeze don't ask me to help you figure out your particular email program.
- There now I hope I covered everything :) Please check my FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for anything further.
I try to cover all the basic questions since I must cut down on my email so I have more time to create new graphics for you!